Tuesday, 21 June 2011

The Anagama Kiln

Preparing the kiln for firing

Yes, it's going!

Final shift of stoking.

Chain gang unloading, everyone gets a look.

The unloaded results of the anagama firing.

The Joy of Kilns

Again, I am just going to post these photos and see what stories come in.  I can update the blog as they arrive.  I am not so sure about changing the order of the photos though!


John Parker kiln building during a pre ASP centre day at Carrick Oliver's farm.   The Catenary Arch kiln was fired using dirty turps as a fuel, it was sieved through donated tights first.

Lex Dawson and the round wood kiln


The first salt kiln built at ASP, 1975 or 6

Kiln Building weekend at ASP

Lex Dawson

Completed kiln

John Parker helping with Joan Campbell Raku workshop 1980

1979 Building a salt kiln with Lex Dawson
Chester Nealie building a  roman arch salt kiln, buttressed and insulated with scoria, 1982

1984 Pit firing


The burri box kiln, used with salt.

2006 Diesel Kiln

Loading small salt kiln, 2009

Work around ASP

The old piano goes to the dump in preparation for the party, October 2011

Preparing for the laying of the new car park, 2006

Keeping the old building, kilns and grounds maintained is a lot of work and frequently ASP members have a working bee. 

Laying the courtyard, 2004

And with working bees go shared lunches, another feature of life at ASP over the years.

New kiln shed roof, 2005

New workbench, 2005

Barry Hockenhull fixing the roof, November 1995

Building the shelving inside the new workroom, 1994

Workroom at ASP 1994 during the Jeff Oestreich workshop.

Pam Robertson, Director and Molly Maxted, Secretary 1983 painting the kitchen.

1984 - spot the rabbit

1983 Maintenance