Tuesday, 5 July 2011


Peter Stichbury's Thursday Morning Class

Exhibition Centrepiece


Fire and Clay
(Awaiting a catalogue)
Exhibition Officer: Jenny Williams, Selector and Guest Exhibitor: John Parker
Commendations: Erlanda McLeay, Rod Davies, Alex Whyte, Petra Molloy, Judy Rae, Anne Hudson, Paula Moros, Leigh Matthews, Jenghis Poor, Lois Jameson.

Merit Award winning piece by Rod Davies

Big Clay Day Out

Setting up the studio

Big Clay Day Out

Wally Hirsch auctioning John Green piece held by Lex Dawson


Fire and Clay

Big Clay Day Out


The first pizza oven


2006 Selector Brendan Adams with Fire and Clay Winner, Renton Murray with his winning plate.

Co-Director, Duncan Shearer with Bill Samuels, 2006 Portage Judge at ASP

Bill Samuels' workshop

Crater Clay Potter's Conference (NZSP) Taupo
featuring ASP members

Big Clay Day Out