I thought I would keep this blog as a way of sharing some of the history of the Auckland Studio Potters in 2011: the year it turns fifty. I have no qualifications for this, I have been a member of ASP for the past ten years and volunteered to do this as my little bit towards the ASP's birthday.
It is a bit of a mission for me, learning how to publish a blog, this is my fifth attempt. They keep disappearing. I wonder about all those words floating around out there. Hot air - potters are quite good at hot air. Just so you know what I am having to deal with and why it has taken me two months to get this far, there are dashboards to negotiate, there were kitchen sinks, slugs and pingbacks. I have been warned about the risk of cutting and pasting turning my blog into spam (and maybe that's what happened to my other attempts...I am not really surprised.)
I would like to post on this blog (that's what you do!) pages that I have typed up from the little blue publication The First Twenty Five Years. But first I want to publish this introduction in case it's the cutting and pasting that's the problem. I think some of the history will be a good starting point, but it would be nice to get lots of anecdotes and stories and I have visions of themes, Visitors from Overseas, Special Firings, Exhibitions but I suppose I will have to see how this goes. And what people send me. Lots of old photos would be great.
For a full history please go to this page:
Here's one from 1975.